A platform for better ergonomics
At a large clothing manufacturer's warehouse in Denmark, a solution was needed to improve the working environment and ensure better working conditions for the employees who open around 5000 cardboard boxes every day.

The challenge
The warehouse in Denmark operates as a logistics company, where clothes from multiple brands are brought in, stored, and distributed to companies around Europe.
To avoid too many employees needing to cut open cardboard boxes in the warehouse, they are all opened by the same team of employees. This increases safety, but also reduces waste, because these employees know exactly how long the knife must be in order not to damage the clothes in the boxes.
The cardboard boxes comes from containers onto a conveyor belt, where they are opened. The height of the belt is fixed, but the boxes are of varying sizes. In the past, workers stood on pallets to reach the boxes and cut them open, but because there was no way to adjust the height of the pallets, this led to poor posture, sore shoulders and tired workers.

The solution
The solution was a work platform mounted directly on the floor on which employees can stand on when opening boxes. Here they can quickly and continuously adjust the height of the work platform to suit both themselves and the height of the incoming cardboard boxes.

The result
The work platform allows each employee to work at their correct working height and has improved ergonomics and reduced fatigue. The employees are very happy with the solution and there is also an increase in job satisfaction.
"When we contacted Translyft the salesman and I quickly found the right solution for us. Translyft also came and installed the lift. The work platform goes up and down many times every day and has made the work much easier."
Jakob Klit-Johansen, Warehouse Manager, Denmark