DE-LYFT becomes Translyft
The name DE-LYFT was originally chosen to create a link between "DEutsch" and "aDE" on the one hand and an association with TransLYFT on the other.

"It was important for us to give both former ADE employees and regular customers a familiar feeling and a connection to the service and quality they were used to from ADE,"
says Jens Egelund, CEO of Translyft A/S.
Two and a half years ago, DE-LYFT GmbH was founded as a distribution subsidiary and service partner of Translyft A/S, based in Denmark.
It was not an easy time. We had to make difficult decisions in all areas, as we were confronted with a slowdown in the German economy and to some extent still are.
At the same time, our customers quickly detached themselves from the ADE connection and instead wondered what was behind the name DE-LYFT.
Therefore, we have now decided that it would be easiest for all concerned if we simply called ourselves Translyft GmbH.
"It is great to be associated with the official name Translyft. We all feel part of this company and we want our customers and suppliers to see it that way too,"
says Heiko Knief, Managing Director of DE-LYFT.
In addition, there are clear advantages in communication with customers and suppliers, as well as the feeling of being part of a single company.
The official changeover will take place in the coming months, but we are open to customers who already want to have the systems for their current and future orders executed with the new logos.