TRANSLYFT is raising the racing team
Julle Racing is a racing team focused on Speedway. They train and participate in races three to four times a week and after each use the bikes have to be dismantled and cleaned so that they can run optimally for the next time. Julle Racing were looking for a solution that could alleviate all the heavy lifting. Our solution was simple, cheap, ergonomic and has plug and play.
The challenge
The challenge is that speedway racing is a muddy sport, but the bikes need to be cleaned down to the smallest detail to ensure the best results in the races. Julle Racing had a fixed platform on which they manually lifted the heavy speedway bikes. Here, the speedway bikes are disassembled, cleaned and reassembled several times a week and the work often takes place in awkward positions although it was far from easy to reach all the different corners of the bikes. Both lifting the bikes and working on the bikes were hard for the back and the rest of the body.

The solution
The solution is two standard Silverline lifting tables. They can be put directly on the floor of the workshop and are then ready to run. With a small ramp it is easy to roll the speedway bikes up on the lift table and access them at the right working height whether working on the handlebars or with the chain.

The result
The result is a solution that strengthens the ergonomics and ensures that the heavy lifting is eliminated. The speedway bikes are driven up the lifting table and it is then possible to work in the right ergonomic working height wherever on the speedway bikes that need to be adjusted. Having two lifting tables allows more people to work on the bikes at the same time and everyone can get to the different corners without hurting their backs.
I'm surprised at how easy it has been. We just got the tables delivered, drove them into place and plugged in, and then they have been running impeccably ever since. I am amazed how much time we actually save by using the lifting tables.
Søren Juhl Pedersen, Julle Racing