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Successful Installation of Goods Lift for Building Contractor

A building contractor in northern Sweden was seeking a goods lift for a new building. The goods elevator needed to accommodate semi large machinery. Translyft provided and installed a goods elevator with twin doors, which resolved the issue.

Translyft goods lift with snow scooter

The Challenge

Our client, a building contractor in Sweden, faced the task of equipping a new shop dedicated to adventure enthusiasts with a goods lift. The shop, which offers everything from clothing to snow mobiles, required a lift that could accommodate items of various sizes, ensuring seamless transportation between floors.

The Solution

Translyft proposed and delivered a large goods lift made for their needs. The lift was designed with robust double doors, providing the necessary width to accommodate larger machines and equipment without any hassle. Our team handled the entire process, from design requirements to the final installation. The installation process was planned to minimize disruption to the ongoing construction, and our team worked closely with the contractor to ensure a seamless setup.

Translyft goods lift with vehicle

The Result

The result was a highly efficient goods lift that met the needs of the adventure shop. The lift's double doors and spacious interior have made it easy for staff to move large and heavy items between floors, significantly improving the shop's operational efficiency. The client was very happy with the result and noted that the lift is being used daily and is very easy to use.

Translyft goods lift in warehouse

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Interested in a lifting solution? Call us at +44 0870 904 7775 to hear more about your possibilities or fill in the contact box below and we will give you a ring as soon as possible. 

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